Saturday 19 November 2011

quiz question with answer

1.What does HTML stand for?
1. Home Tool Markup Language
2. Hyper Text Markup Language
3. Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

2.Who is making the Web standards?
1. The World Wide Web Consortium
2. Microsoft
3. Mozilla

3.Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold
1. < b >
2. < bold >
3. < dark >

4.Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic
1. < i >
2. < italic >
1.Execution starts at the beginning of _________ functions
1. argument
2. parameter
3. main
4. parenthesis

2.When function is called, it is usually provide with a list of values called ___________
1. Aruguments
2. Parameters
3. Arguments & Parameters

3.The Keyword ________ enclosed with the parenthesis indicates no "parameters" or "arguments" are expected by routine
1. void
2. main
3. {
4. }

4.Printf is a ________
1. standard library function
2. internal function
3. Preprocessor directive
4. Argument function

5.The last two characters in the string namely the backslash and letter n, together known as _________ character
1. newline
2. slash line
3. nestline
4. null

1.C was developed by
1. Bjarne stroustrop
2. Dennis Ramper
3. Dennis Ritchie
4. Bjarne Ritchie

2.Smaller segments used to construct a modular program called
1. Modules
2. Moles
3. Molecules
4. Models

3.Modules themselves are called -------- in C
1. Arrays
2. Pointers
3. Functions
4. Structures

4._________ us the process whereby a construct operates on itself in the course of execution
1. Portable
2. Call by value
3. Call by Reference
4. Recursion

5.# include < Stdio.h > is called as a
1. preprocessor directive
2. global variables
3. local variables
4. functions

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